Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday Happenings

Lesson: Chapter 16- The Church of Jesus Christ in Former Times
Instructor: Sister Hansen

Article of Faith #6: "We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth."

There are six features covered in this lesson that identify the Church of Jesus Christ:

1. Revelation: "When Jesus Christ established His Church, He personally instructed and directed its leaders." This revelation has not stopped today. What are some of the ways we receive continued revelation?
  • General Conference
  • Ensign, other Church Magazines
  • Proclamation to the Family
  • Each of us can receive revelation pertaining to our lives through prayer

2. Authority from God: "The Father gave this authority to Jesus Christ (see Hebrews 5:4-6), who in turn ordained His Apostles and gave them the power and authority of the priesthood (see Luke 9:1-2; Mark 3:14). What blessings come to us because of the priesthood?

  • Temple Ordinances, Eternal Families
  • Blessings of Healing
  • Father's Blessings
  • Sacrament
  • Restoration of the Church

3. The Church Organization: "The Church of Jesus Christ was a carefully organized unit." What stands out about the way the church is organized?

  • Leaders are not paid
  • Organized by the Lord
  • We are called to serve in callings that bless members of the church
  • It is the same no matter where you go around the world

"The New Testament shows that this Church organization was intended to continue. For example, the death of Judas left only eleven Apostles. Soon after Jesus had ascended into heaven, the eleven Apostles met together to choose someone to take the place of Judas. Through revelation from the Holy Ghost, they chose Matthias. (See Acts 1:23–26.) Jesus had set a pattern for twelve Apostles to govern the Church. It seemed clear that the organization was to continue as He had established it."

4. First Principles and Ordinances: Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Gift of the Holy Ghost. Faith is always a principle that is needed, even those that saw the Savior perform miracles needed Faith to know that he was who he said....he wasn't just a man or a prophet....he is the Son of God.

5. Ordinances Performed for the Dead: Why is it important for us to attend the temple?

  • To help those who have died receive their Temple Ordinances
  • It helps us understand the covenants we have made each time we go

6. Spiritual Gifts: "All faithful members of the Church were entitled to receive gifts of the Spirit. Some of these gifts were faith, including the power to heal and to be healed; prophecy; and visions." What are some of the gifts that people have that have blessed your life?

  • Visiting Teachers- knowing when to call or what questions to ask
  • Scriptural Understanding
  • Missionaries learning a new language
  • Service- recognize or be prompted how we can help others in need

Apostasy from the True Church: "This happened while the Apostles were still alive and supervising the young, growing Church. Some members taught ideas from their old pagan or Jewish beliefs instead of the simple truths taught by Jesus." Satan is still trying to make this happen again today in very subtle ways. Sister Hansen shared a quote, "I want to live my life in a way so that when I wake up, Satan says, "Oh no! She's awake!" I hope we can all live our lives in that way.

Family Home Evening Ideas:

LDS Living Magazine: Priesthood Blessings

Sharing Time: Jesus Organized His Church

Sharing Time: I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints


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