Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Happenings

Lesson: Chapter 15- The Lord's Covenant People
Instructor: Sister Ashby

What is a covenant? "Within the gospel, a covenant means a sacred agreement or mutual promise between God and a person or a group of people. In making a covenant, God promises a blessing for obedience to particular commandments. He sets the terms of His covenants, and He reveals these terms to His prophets. If we choose to obey the terms of the covenant, we receive promised blessings. If we choose not to obey, He withholds the blessings, and in some instances a penalty also is given."

What blessings and responsibilities come to God's covenant people today?

"Along with the blessings we receive as the Lord’s covenant people, we have great responsibilities. The Lord promised Abraham that through his descendants the gospel would be taken to all the earth. We are fulfilling this responsibility through the full-time missionary program of the Church and the missionary work done by the members. This opportunity to preach the gospel to all the world belongs only to the Lord’s Church and His covenant people."

Scriptures to consider:

1 Peter 2: 9-10 "I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise."

Let's review the covenants we've made and strive to fulfill them to the best of our ability so that we may recieve the blessings of Heaven.

Family Home Evening Ideas:


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