Instructor: Sister Bell
The House of Israel Are God's Covenant People
What responsibilities do God's covenant people have to the nations of the world?
"Jacob was a grandson of Abraham. The Lord made an everlasting covenant with Abraham that was renewed with Isaac and with Jacob and his children (see chapter 15 in this book; see also the visual in this chapter, depicting Jacob blessing his sons). God promised that the Israelites would be His covenant people as long as they would obey His commandments (see Deuteronomy 28:9–10). They would be a blessing to all the nations of the world by taking the gospel and the priesthood to them (see Abraham 2:9–11). Thus, they would keep their covenant with the Lord and He would keep His covenant with them."
The House of Israel Was Scattered
"Again and again prophets of the Lord warned the house of Israel what would happen if they were wicked. Moses prophesied, “And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other” (Deuteronomy 28:64)."
What benefits have come to God's children because His covenant people have been scattered throughout the earth?
The House of Israel Must Be Gathered
Why does the Lord want His people to be gathered? How will the house of Israel be gathered?
"The Lord promised that His covenant people would someday be gathered: “I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them” (Jeremiah 23:3).
God gathers His children through missionary work. As people come to a knowledge of Jesus Christ, receiving the ordinances of salvation and keeping the associated covenants, they become “the children of the covenant” (3 Nephi 20:26). He has important reasons for gathering His children. He gathers them so they can learn the teachings of the gospel and prepare themselves to meet the Savior when He comes again. He gathers them so they will build temples and perform sacred ordinances for ancestors who have died without having this opportunity. He gathers them so they can strengthen one another and be unified in the gospel, finding protection from unrighteous influences in the world. He also gathers them so they can prepare themselves to share the gospel with others."
Family Home Evening Ideas
Sharing Time: I Can Share the Gospel Now
Sharing Time: Missionaries Publish Peace
Sharing Time: Temples in all Times
LDS Living: Missionary Work
Other Items:
This is a message from Dan Seely- Sister Seely's son:
Hi, I tried to add the following comment on your Visiting Teaching website, but couldn't save it. Will you please post this for me ...
"Hello to all in the Mountain Shadows 4th Ward, I am Dan Seely, Del and Anna Lou Seely's youngest (4th) child (living in Virginia). My mother, Anna Lou, was layed to rest this day, one year ago (on 9/11/2010). I appreciate having been able to re-read this inspirational poem from my Mom today. Thank you all for being so kind towards my Mom and to our family. There was a lot of love, care, and support shown to and shared with her. Thank you so much. With love and appreciation"
Dan Seely
In connecting back to the activity about finances we had in April there is a free conference you can attend called "Smart Women, Smart Money", go here to find out more information and to register.
When: Wednesday, September 28
Time: 8:30-3:00 p.m.

Don't forget to add to your 72-hour kits this week! See the post below!
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