Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Happenings

Lesson: Chapter 23- The Sacrament
Instructor: Sister Ashby

Object Lesson: Sister Ashby had us close our eyes, then dropped three items on the table.
First: a medium sized bouncy ball. We determined that it was fairly loud and could be heard easily. This could be compared to the world. It is usually noisy....makes sure it is heard.
Second: a quarter sized round chip. It had a softer sound. We were able to hear it because it was quiet in the room. If it had been noisier we may not have heard it. This could be compared to those in authority. They can be heard, but we need to make sure we are listening...make sure our lives aren't filled with too much noise.
Third: a needle. It was the softest sounding of the three. If there had been noise we definitely would not have been able to hear it. This could be compared to the whisperings of the spirit. If there is noise in our life we will not be able to hear its quiet guidance.

The teachings on the sacrament can be found in todays lesson. Just click on the link above.

Questions to think about:
-Why do the sacrament prayers need to be said perfectly?
-What covenants do we renew during the sacrament? What blessings does the Lord promise us as we keep those covenants?
-How can we prepare ourselves to partake of the sacrament? What can we think about during the sacrament to help us remember the Savior's Atonement?
  • Create "quiet" books using pictures from the Ensign, Friend, or New Era. These books would be used just during the sacrament as a way to help children think about the Savior, the sacrament, etc.. As soon as the sacrament is finished they would be put away.
  • Prepare: Be on time to Sacrament Meeting, Sit in the front section of the chapel, Young men arrive early to help with sacrament preparation
  • Setting the Example: Sit quietly listening to prelude music, children will follow your example
  • Speak About Reverence: Remind children before you get to church, Make sure you are showing reverence
  • Soliciting Support: Have children come up with ways to be reverent, on time, etc...
  • Within the Family: Teach during Family Home Evening, Prepare Saturday Night
  • Taking Responsibility: Means Everyone: "Reverence Begins With Me!"

Family Home Evening Ideas:


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