Week 14: Week of October 16- Whistle w/ neck cord (1/person)
Week 15: Week of October 23- Small pkg/box of crackers (wheat, graham crackers, avoid salted crackers) (1 box/three people)
Week 16: Week of October 30- Baby/Child Care (if needed)- Change every six months since kids grow out of these things
- Can of formula & 1-2 bottles
- Baby food jars (enough for child's needs)
- Pacifier/binky
- Diapers (enough for child's needs)
- Pack of diaper wipes (store in Ziploc to save space)
- Travel size children's Tylenol
- Change of clothes for each child: sweatpants, sweatshirt & shirt, pants/shorts, tennis shoes & socks for each child
- Small toys and/or comfort items for each child
- Activity books
- Box of crayons
- Games
Week 17: Week of November 6- Wool Mittens & Winter Hats (1/person)