You can print most of these out on your printer, or get them printed at the photo center at Sams Club, Costco, WalMart, or Walgreens for fairly inexpensive. You could even use frames that you already have and just switch out the picture for one of these printables and switch it back once Valentine's is over.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Inexpensive Valentine Decorating Ideas
You can print most of these out on your printer, or get them printed at the photo center at Sams Club, Costco, WalMart, or Walgreens for fairly inexpensive. You could even use frames that you already have and just switch out the picture for one of these printables and switch it back once Valentine's is over.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday Happenings
A few lesson highlights: "Sacrifice means giving to the Lord whatever He requires of our time, our earthly possessions, and our energies to further His work. The Lord commanded, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). Our willingness to sacrifice is an indication of our devotion to God. People have always been tried and tested to see if they will put the things of God first in their lives."
Why are people willing to make sacrifices for our Father in Heaven?
Examples of sacrifice today:
- A member of the Church in Germany saved his tithing for years until someone with priesthood authority could come and accept it.
- A Relief Society visiting teacher served for 30 years without missing an assignment.
A group of Saints in South Africa rode for three days, standing up, to be able to hear and see the prophet of the Lord. - At an area conference in Mexico, members of the Church slept on the ground and fasted during the days of the conference. They had used all their money just to get to the conference and had nothing left for food and shelter.
- One family sold their car to get the money they wanted to contribute to a temple building fund. Another family sold their home to get money to go to the temple.
- Many faithful Latter-day Saints have very little to live on, yet they pay their tithes and offerings.
- One brother sacrificed his job because he refused to work on Sunday.
- In one branch, the youth gave freely and willingly of their time to care for the young children while their parents helped build the meetinghouse.
- Young men and women give up or postpone good job opportunities, education, or sports to serve as missionaries.
"Many more examples could be given of those who sacrifice for the Lord. Yet a place in our Heavenly Father’s kingdom is worth any sacrifice we have to make of our time, talents, energy, money, and lives. Through sacrifice we can obtain a knowledge from the Lord that we are acceptable to Him (see D&C 97:8)."
What are some of the sacrifices you have made, or seen people make in your own life?
Family Home Evening Ideas:
Sharing Time: Pioneers & Temples
LDS Living: Selflessness
LDS Living: Personal Righteousness
LDS Living: Sacrifice
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Sunday Happenings
Instructor: Sister Ashby
Sister Ashby started out by creating a recipe for fasting:
1-2 c. of prayer
8 oz. of purpose
A dash of humility
Fold in a sincere heart
Cook for a duration of 2 meals. You can add extra flavor, shed a few tears. Follow the recipe for desired result and a testimony of fasting.
Fasting is ________.
1. Luke 2:37- strength
2. Holy Ghost
3. Endure to the End
4. Mosiah 27: 22-23- Healing
5. Alma 5:46- Testimony
6. Missionary Work
7. Alma 17:3- Knowledge
8. Instrument in God's Hands
9. Helaman 3:35- Closer to Christ
10. Helaman 9:10- Comfort
11. D&C 88:76- Commandment
12. Gratitude
Other points to consider:
- "God's people have fasted to help them draw near to Him and to worship Him."
- "purposeful fasting is more than just going without food and drink."
- "Prayer is a necessary part of fasting."
- "Purpose of fasting is not to impress others."
- "We are promised peace, improved health, and spiritual guidance."
- "Fast offerings should be given generously as we are able."
- "Helps us gain strength of character, control our appetites and passions, teaching children to develop the spiritual strength to overcome greater temptations later in their lives."
- "The Savior has said to those who fast properly, "Thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly" (Matthew 6:18).
Sister Ashby also made us some delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies. She has shared her recipe below.
Chocolate Chip Cookies3/4 c margarine
3/4 c brown sugar
3/4 c white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp soda dissolved in 1 tsp. hot water
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 c flour
1 1/2 c chocolate chips
Bake at 375 for 8 minutes
Family Home Evening Ideas:
Sharing Time: Fasting and Prayer
Article: Fasting- A Gift of Joy
LDS Living: Fasting
Announcement: The Murphy's are setting up an at home social skills therapy program for their developmentally delayed 2 1/2 yr. old son. They are looking for volunteer and paid aides to assist with the Floortime model. No experience is necessary. Training will be provided by an experienced therapist. Aides may bring children between the ages of 2 and 5 with them. Hourly wage for paid aides will be $8-$10, based on experience. Flexible hours, but a commitment of at least 2 hours per week for three months is requested. Please contact Sister Murphy before January 10th if interested. Thanks!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Sunday Happenings
Instructor: Sister Stott
Ezra Taft Benson said: “Daily, constantly, we choose by our desires, our thoughts, and our actions whether we want to be blessed or cursed, happy or miserable.” (Ensign, May 1988)
1. Do Not Enjoy Anything
- Never Do Anything For Yourself
- Don't Get to Know the Sisters in our Ward, that would include doing your Visiting Teaching
- Gas prices are probably going to raise to $4.00 this year
- Worry about things you see on the news each night, things you have no control over. Soak in those sad, depressed, & glum feelings that accompany these worries.
- Happy people do the exact opposite: Scripture #1: D&C 123:17
- Belittle people, make them feel worthless
- No church activity is fun enough…make sure you let the committee know
- Think about all of the things you don’t like about yourself; your height, your weight, hair, car, clothes, nose, grades...etc...
5. Blame, Blame, Blame
- Never forgive- it is always someone else's fault, never yours
- Put deadlines on your happiness... fill in the blank... as soon as I ____, then I'll be happy.
- Jesus taught- Scripture #2: Luke 12:15
7. Postpone Prayer
- Keep your distance from deity- never let him know what is happening in your life
- Quote #4: President Wilford Woodruff- “WE should call upon the lord in Might prayer, and make all our wants know unto him. For if he does not protect and deliver us and save us, no power will” (Millennial Star, 48:806)
- Never make time to learn about the plan our Father in Heaven has for us.
- Quote #6: Elder M. Russell Ballard- "As I think about your schedules and the pressures you face at this time in your lives, I can understand why scripture study can so easily be neglected. You have many demands pulling at you. In some cases, just maintaining your social life is a full-time occupation. But I plead with you to make time for immersing yourselves in the scriptures. Couple scripture study with your prayers. Half an hour each morning privately studying, pondering, and communicating with your Heavenly Father can make an amazing difference in your lives. It will give increased success in your daily activities. It will bring increased alertness to your minds. It will give you comfort and rock-steady assurance when the storms of life descend upon you.""Be Strong in the Lord, and in the Power of His Might" (CES fireside for young adults, March 3, 2002), 3–4
- Trials are there to make you miserable, enjoy them! Nothing will ever change in your life!
10. Never Set Goals
- No school goals, personal goals, spiritual goals, family goals
- Quote #8 John Bytheway- “If you start achieving goals, you might start to feel a sense of excitement, then you might want to set another goal, and then your miserable mornings are through. To maintain your misery, the idea of crossing off your goals should never cross your mind”. (How to Be Totally Miserable- A Self-Hinder Book)
- Never say thank-you
So you have your choice, you now have 11 ways to help you be miserable if you choose. Or, you can choose to be lights in the darkness. I encourage you to find one thing in your life each day that will help you to make your light brighter and happier. Matt. 5: 14-16
This lesson came from John Bytheway's book: How to be Totally Miserable: A Self-Hinder Book). I had some people ask for the lesson. Go here, to get a copy of the lesson. It could be used for Family Home Evening.